Tuesday, May 19, 2020

2020 Virtual Meetups!

Happy Spring, everyone- What's new??

As you may or may not have heard, there's some sort of bug going around, and it's keeping us from getting together!  (I know, right?? Google it.)

In order to get around this, we've started doing virtual meetups!  On the interwebs, no less!

A few of us joined in for a test run, and found that rather than use Zoom, Facebook has a pretty neat video chat option that's pretty durn easy to use. 

Wanna come join the socially distanced fun?  Head over to the MNCS Facebook page on Monday, June 1 at 8pm EST, and click on the link at the top of the feed.  It'll bring you into a chat window automatically.  (if you're on a Mac, you can only use Chrome or Firefox browsers.  I had nothing to do with this.)

If you're not yet a member of the MNCS group, head over by clicking here and hitting Join.

If you haven't signed up for the mailing list, drop me a line at ed@edsteckley.com, and I'll put you on the list for occasional updates.

Your buddy,

Thursday, March 5, 2020

An evening with Tom Richmond

Mark your calendars for Monday May the 4th- Reuben Award winning Illustrator extraordinaire Tom Richmond will be giving a presentation about his career, illustration and caricature!

Tom's career spans the gamut of humorous illustration, from comic books to advertising to Mad Magazine, where he's been the primary movie and TV parody artist for close to 20 years.

Here's the details so far:
When: Monday, May 4th, 7-9 pm
Where: The Overlook Lounge, E 44th b'twn 2nd and 3rd, NYC
More details regarding tickets, RSVPs and perks forthcoming, but save the date and spread the word!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Coming up in 2020!

Hey gang!

2020 is gearing up to be a pretty active year with the chapter.

In February, we'll be having a jury to help decide the nominees for 2 Divisional Reuben awards.  If you're an NCS member in good standing and want to participate, contact Ed at ed@edsteckley.com.

The chapter will once again be hosting a table at the annual MoCCAfest, April 4 and 5 in NYC.  NCS members in good standing are welcome to sign up for table time.  Come out and sell your wares, shake hands, meet friends and join the party.  Again, contact Ed at ed@edsteckley.com for more details.

We're also gearing up to host a fundraiser to benefit both the NCSFoundation, the chapter, and help some artists sell some work!  Details on that early in Spring.

As always, when we get an event planned, it'll appear here as well as the official Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/ManhattanNCS/

See you later in 2020!