Monday, October 23, 2017

Register for the annual ManhattanNCS Holiday Bash!

It's time to register, and register early!

T'is the season to start planning your holiday outings in the big city,
and if you've been to one of these before, you know you don't wanna miss it!

Once again held at the fabulous Society of Illustrators in Manhattan,
this annual tradition has grown each year into a serious NCS to-do!
This year we've got some special guests in the works,
and other fun happenings that will make this the bash for the season.

Sign up now and get the early registration rates!  Here's the info:

When: Saturday, December 9th, 7pm
Where: Society of Illustrators, NYC
E 63rd between Park & Lex
How much:Registration, as of Dec 2:
$55 for NCS Members
$65 for Non Members.


Any questions or concerns, of if you'd like to pay by another method, please don't hesitate to get ahold of Ed by simply clicking here...