
BACK ROW: Mike Berry, Unknown, Mel Casson, Gus Edson, Hal Foster, Alex Raymond, Al Carreno, Russell Patterson, Bob Dunn. FRONT ROW: Willard Mullin, Ernie Bushmiller, Alfred Andriola, Milton Caniff, Gregory D’Alessio and Rube Goldberg in 1949.

The Manhattan NCS & Friends, 2015. BACK ROW (L to R): Heather Steckley, Jerry Mooney (m), Mike Cavallaro (m), Ed Steckley (m), Ellen S. Abramowitz (m), Isabella Bannerman (m), Marc Bilgrey, MIDDLE ROW (L to R): Jason Chatfield (m), Helene Parsons (m), Doug Bratton (m), Sam Viviano (m), Ali Meinhart, Karen Green (m), FRONT ROW (L to R): Bob Parsons (m), Chelle Mayer, Mort Gerber (m), Arnold Roth (m), Caroline Roth (m)
The National Cartoonists Society is the world's largest and most prestigious organization of professional cartoonists. It was born in 1946 when groups of cartoonists got together to entertain the troops. They found that they enjoyed each other's company and decided to get together on a regular basis.
Today, the NCS membership roster includes over 500 of the world's major cartoonists, working in many branches of the profession, including newspaper comic strips and panels, comic books, editorial cartoons, animation, gag cartoons, greeting cards, advertising, magazine and book illustration and more.
Membership is limited to established professional cartoonists, with a few exceptions of outstanding persons in affiliated fields. The NCS is not a guild or union, although we have joined forces from time to time to fight for member's rights, and we regularly use our talents to help worthwhile causes.

Primary Purposes of the NCS

  • To advance the ideals and standards of professional cartooning in its many forms.
  • To promote and foster a social, cultural and intellectual interchange among professional cartoonists of all types.
  • To stimulate and encourage interest in and acceptance of the art of cartooning by aspiring cartoonists, students and the general public.