Hey gang!
2020 is gearing up to be a pretty active year with the chapter.
In February, we'll be having a jury to help decide the nominees for 2 Divisional Reuben awards. If you're an NCS member in good standing and want to participate, contact Ed at ed@edsteckley.com.
The chapter will once again be hosting a table at the annual MoCCAfest, April 4 and 5 in NYC. NCS members in good standing are welcome to sign up for table time. Come out and sell your wares, shake hands, meet friends and join the party. Again, contact Ed at ed@edsteckley.com for more details.
We're also gearing up to host a fundraiser to benefit both the NCSFoundation, the chapter, and help some artists sell some work! Details on that early in Spring.
As always, when we get an event planned, it'll appear here as well as the official Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/ManhattanNCS/
See you later in 2020!