Monday, January 20, 2014

Russ Heath to Recieve Milton Caniff Award

The National Cartoonists Society is very pleased to announce that legendary comic book artist Russ Heath will receive The Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual NCS Reuben Awards banquet in San Diego, California on May 24th, 2014.
The award, named for Terry and the Pirates creator and former NCS President and co-founder Milton Caniff, is awarded by unanimous vote of the NCS Board of Directors. It is given for a lifetime of outstanding and accomplished work to a cartoonist who has not previously won the organization’s highest honor, the Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.

Friday, January 10, 2014

ManhattanNCS president to speak at New England chapter function

Thus begins the steady decline of the great and powerful New England chapter of the NCS.

 Seriously, I'm flattered that they asked me to come out and speak.  The New England chapter is one of the NCS groups that really has it together, as far as events for their members.  Mark and Lynn Parisi have monthly happy hours, and once a year throw a big bash where they (up until now) get big time celebrities and famous artists to come by and talk.  I've been to a few, and it's always a great time with a great turnout (again, up until now).

If your'e interested in going, here's all the info:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Get ready for 2014!

The Happy Hour schedule for the first half of the year 

is officially carved in stone.... 


Wednesday January 29th, 7-9pm
Society of Illustrators
128 E 63rd St, between Park and Lex
Please RSVP the monday before so I can give the Society a head count.

Join us for the first happy hour of 2014! 
$10 gets you a drink all you can eat buffet!
This event is not closed, so bring your friends!


Wednesday, February 19th
Society of Illustrators
$10 for the first round and the world famous SoI buffet
Again, please RSVP the monday before so I can give the Society a head count.


Rube Goldberg Extravaganza!

Our March happy hour will be a special one!The delightful Jennifer George, granddaughter of cartoon icon Rube Goldberg, has opened up her home to us (UES), to provide a night of music, art, food and drink!

No funny contraptions to get through the door, just $10! Come on out to this catered event for good times, artwork, and check out Rube's drawing board while you're at it!  Proceeds from this event towards our End of the Year holiday bash in December!  Not to guilt you into coming or anything...

Please RSVP to me (by clicking here) by March 19th so I can get Jennifer an accurate head count.


Join us back at the Society of Illustrators for our last happy hour before the Reubens In San Diego! 
We'll have lots to talk about, so come out out, eat drink and be, uh, Merry with us!
$10 for the first round and buffet!
RSVP the monday before so I can give the Society a head count.